How to setup ARM android virtual machine on x86 host machine

Why I wrote this?

After struggling for four consecutive days to set it up, I encountered numerous errors and realized that I was not the only one facing such problems. Therefore, I decided to write an article to help anyone who wants to run an Android ARM machine, so they don’t waste their time trying to figure out the correct way.

How to setup?

First we need to turn on hyper-V

If you don’t have hyper-v you need to install this (also of this tutorial didn’t work with you you need to install it)

Next we need to navigate to

and download SDK Installer_r24.4.1

Which android version to install?

First open SDK Manager

I tried many versions of ARM android images and the only version worked is 7.1.1 API 25

You need to install these also

The intel HAXM is required to run this avd HAXM is not installed error message can be solved by installing intel x86 emulator accelerator:

install this also

Now open AVD Manager

In my case if I choosed a device rather than Nexus 4 or WXGA Tablet the vm won’t work. (I really don’t know why)

Also make the internal storage 200 - 500 mb if the machine didn’t open

And check use host gpu option

Now let’s start the machine

It worked!

if you faced any errors feel free to contact me

Thanks For Reading :)

